Information Video

Accepting the Quote

Upon Accepting Our Quote

Now that we have received your application and payment, we will begin the Building Certification approval journey

The Building Certification approval journey involves a series of different processes and steps undertaken by our team to ensure a streamlined process, and to ensure that your project complies with the Building Code of Australia and other regulations.

The Building Certification Approval Journey

1.Ensuring the drawings provide the necessary information and that the necessary paperwork is lodged with us.

2.Undertaking necessary property searches, and if relevant, checking Council Development Consent conditions and other requirements

– If you are using specific design systems, ensure that all relevant forms and certificates are lodged.

3. Assessing the application against the Building Code and other relevant standards.

4. Obtaining other approvals on your behalf (if your project is in Queensland).

5. Issuing you with an approval to commence building works.

– This approval will contain conditions you must comply with.

6. When engaging in construction work, your paperwork will list:

– All required inspections;

– When these inspections must be done; and

– Required certificates from contractors.



Have any other questions about the building certification process?

Contact us.

You’ll hear back from us very soon.